The Infrastructure Committee met today. Part of the activities is a virtual meeting with MD, Enerco company, the company handling construction of Kagara township roads.
Hon. Ibrahim Balarabe and Chief of Staff who is the committee chairman expressed on behalf of the committee, a number of concerns regarding the road construction. Enerco promised to address these concerns after being given 3days to go back to site.
Further, the Committee engaged the company handling the Bunu-Genu road and an understanding has been reached on how the job should be completed in time.
Also, a decision was reached that work should resume at once on the 4 number roads in London street which has also stayed longer than necessary.
Finally, the committee came to a conclusion on the City Gate to Chanchaga road for repairs to start in earnest.
About The Author
Olubayo Paul
I'm a Strategic Communications Expert with over 9 years industry experience. I own and; a widely published writer and a fluctuating Graphics Designer